ABAP (Advanced Business Application Programming) is a high level of a programming language that was founded by German Software Company. ABAP is for all the developing applications such as SAP R/3 system, which is a widely adopted business application system. It is used for thousands of tiny embedded programs, which combine to form the entire SAP application.
One of the biggest advantages of SAP ABAP is that it provides one of the most comprehensive worldwide system integration solution. Use of SAP ABAP will be helpful for an organization/company to improve the corporate performance. Thus, SAP ABAP certification will enable an individual to understand, appraise, and respond to the changing business situations and implement effective business strategies. In addition, SAP ABAP will automate data movement, management and generate reports in case they are available. It offers a generation of error logs; provide important notification and corrective actions that are required at the spot.
SAP ABAP Certification Exam will verify a candidate's fundamental knowledge and proven skills in the areas mentioned above. The requisite test will also examine that the applicant has a valuable understanding of the consultant profile and will be able to implement the knowledge in real life. Candidates require excelling in the topics, which will be the base of online examination, are as follows:
Being certified by the CCUBE Centre, which is one of the pioneer arms of the CADD Centre will add value not only to the students, but also to the working professionals in this field. This certification will surely help you accelerate in your career being certified by one of the world leaders in this industry.
The examination will have 60 multiple choice questions for SAP ABAP.
Duration: 60 Minutes.